- English (UK)
- 日本語
How to buy
1. Click the button
You can add the item to your cart by the button. Also, you can add other products. You need to go to the checkout page if you want to cancel them. All items are compressed in a ZIP file. Please check your mobile device & PC whether they can download and extract zip files. You can test to download at the bottom of this page. 5. Download Test

2. Go to the checkout page
Click the same button or click the checkout page link. You can click other buttons if you want to add other products. Also you can change the current page.

3. Payments at the checkout page
Check the two checkboxes. Click the purchase button and fill in your email address and card info.
* Some customers need your zip code.

4. Receive the email
The receipt and the download link will be sent to the email address that you filled in at the checkout page.
Please contact us if you filled in a wrong email address. Please check your spam filter if you could not receive our emails.
5. Download Test
You can test to download by this free zip data but please clear your cart before testing. At the test, you don’t need fill in your really name.